Discover 100 words in Spanish you already use in English

Discover 100 words in Spanish you already use in English


It would be amazing to close your eyes and open them and already have 100 new words in Spanish in your head. Well, it won’t be in the blink of an eye, but in just 5 minutes you can remember 100 words because the news is that you are already using them in English. Run and do this course for free and you will learn vocabulary for traveling, working, and talking to friends and family.
In just 5 minutes you will have 100 words in your head. Enter this free course and make these words your own.
Boosting your vocabulary is a key to learning Spanish, but we need to do it with a strategy. And this
is one of many strategies with which I teach my students to sputter in Spanish. If you want to be one more member of this community.
Join me and I hope you have group and individual classes. There is no excuse not to speak Spanish this year.
Contact me if you want to learn more about learning Spanish with strategy. 

`programa de hablar