

What do you mean? How many times have you said this sentence to friends, coworkers or bosses? It’s hard sometimes to understand what someone is trying to say and also if we add the cultural influence and emotions it becomes much harder.

Get the correct translation from a professional team with a vast experience in the legal and medical fields, as well as preparing presentations, brochures, creative documents, and interpretations.

Share your project with us and we will give you a quote.


Contact us to give you a quote.

English to Spanish

Spanish to English


  • Got a big project? We can give you a special price.


Do you have your product finished but you need a voice-over or voice-talent in Spanish from Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia or Bolivia? We have amazing voices ready for you to customize in order to match with your product style.


RADIO/TV                                  RADIO/TV                                     NON-BROADCAST

Spanish (Spain)                     Spanish (America)                       Spanish (Spain/America)

Contact us to give you a quote:

But…. We would love to learn more about your project giving you a special price. 

  • Rates are for finished dry voice only.